Plant Description

Hibbertia scandens

Hibbertia scandens

Sometimes called guinea gold vine, this showy climbing or trailing plant is found on rainforest edges in the Sydney region. It has large, bright-yellow flowers, like single roses, which appear through much of the year, though mainly in late spring and summer. It has long, slightly fleshy foliage. It will grow sun or in part or dappled shade. It can climb 3-5 m. It will grow on a support or twine through another shrub; it can also be used as a groundcover if pegged down to the ground direct its growth. It needs to be pruned back to control its vigour and make the growth habit denser. It is tolerant of a range of conditions, including dryness, and it is useful for growing on the coast in sandy soil. It is tolerant of light frosts.

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Hibbertia scandens
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers from August to November.
Plant Family: Dilleniaceae