Welcome to iGarden

Hello and welcome to iGarden. Anyone who knows me will know that I am 'The Compulsive Gardener' - I love everything about gardening.

Allow me to share some of my enthusiasm and interests in gardening with a focus on the plants I know best and those that do especially well in my own Sydney garden.

This is more than just about plants: it's also about the people involved in gardening; their books and gardens; planting schemes; choosing appropriate plant types; colour selection... There is plenty to think and read about in iGarden.

So, while you are here, enjoy all my blogs, have a browse through my extensive Plant descriptions and don't forget to check out the Discussion Forums, Marketplace, Garden Ramble and your local Gardening Events.

See my latest blog

"The art of pruning"

Pruning can be vexed!

I think pruning is one of the trickier aspects of gardening. So much depends on the climate or even the microclimate where you live. And there aren't blanket rules that can be applied to every plant, such as 'Prune hard after flowering'. Whilst that adage works very well indeed with spring-flowering shrubs, such as Weigela, Deutzia, Brunfelsia, Rhaphiolepis  ... Read On »

July in my garden

What's in bloom

See the full list of what's flowering in my garden this month. Here »

Jobs to do

The coldest month brings new gardening tasks to do! Read More »

My Gardening Tip of the month

Fertilising: Annual flowers such as pansy, primula and cineraria will appreciate some foliar feeding as will bulbs. Winter-flowering perennials such as hellebores, violets, Cymbidium orchids, Bergenia and Salvia will appreciate being given a liquid fertiliser formulated to promote more blooms.

My Plant Reference

My current garden is located in one of Sydney's northern suburbs so my focus is naturally on what does well here. I have grown over 318 different plant varieties that are all described in this reference.
See all my Plant Descriptions »

Discussion Forums Recent Item

"Garden Problems" forum topic: "Choosing Fresh Flowers"

Ratilal asks:
 How do you select and source your flowers to ensure quality and freshness?

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