Plant Description

Euryops chrysanthemoides

Euryops chrysanthemoides

This South African shrub grows to around 1m tall. It has lush green ferny-looking foliage and large bright yellow daisy flowers in autumn and winter; with regular dead-heading, it will have some flowers during the rest of the year too. It can be pruned quite hard every so often, but eventually it will need to be replaced when it becomes worn out and straggly. It is easy to grow from a cutting or one of the many seedlings it produces.

Like most daisy plants, it likes well-drained soil in a sunny position and will tolerate considerable dryness. It associates well with the Mediterranean plants that flourish in Sydney and flower in late winter, such as rosemary, perennial wallflower (Erysimum 'Winter Joy'), tall bearded irises, Echium candicans and Euphorbia species. It also looks good with blue Salvia in autumn and winter, as a colour contrast. In autumn, the lime-green and yellow blooms of Kniphofia ensifolia pair well with it, and the yellow-striped leaves of Canna 'Striata' provide an effective background during the warmer months, as pictured above. Euryops are useful cut flowers.

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Euryops chrysanthemoides
Suitable for Cut Flowers.
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers all year.
Plant Family: Asteraceae

Other Euryops