This is a compact salvia that originates from Mexico and Guatemala, with rich blue flowers accentuated by purple calyces in winter and early spring. It is sometimes known colloquially as rosy bract sage. It grows to 1-1.5 m and is a good companion to warm colours such as those of abutilons and Justicia rizzinii in winter and early spring.
I also have it paired with the bromeliad Aechmea gamosepala, which has unusual brush-like pink inflorescences tipped with the same colour blue as this Salvia, in bloom at the same time. It should be cut back hard in mid-spring when it finishes flowering. It prefers to grow in part shade. It is reasonably frost tolerant, especially if grown in a protected spot but will be affected by hard frosts.
In recent times, this salvia has been reclassified as Salvia mocinoi.