Plant Description

Sedum makinoi Ogon

Sedum makinoi Ogon

We don't usually think of Sedum growing in shade but I have had good success with some of the groundcovering varieties in shaded spots, spreading to form textured carpets that just beg to be stroked. Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' is one of these, with minute lime-yellow confetti-like foliage that really lights up a gloomy spot. It makes a good contrast nearby the larger, plain green leaves of Campanula poscharskyana, which I find grows and flowers well in quite a shaded position; its blue flowers look delightful near the lime foliage of the Sedum. This Sedum seems to be tolerant of heat and drought, and doesn't seem to be attacked by any pests or diseases. It is easily propagated by digging up a rooted piece and replanting it.

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Sedum makinoi Ogon
Plant Family: Crassulaceae

Other sedum