"The gentle art of pinching"

Pinching can be a good thing.
Sunday, 07 September 2014     

Fuchsia cultivar that has been tip-pinched

Now, I am not talking about stealing cuttings (though I do sometimes indulge in this morally dubious pastime when I am out walking, only taking bits of plants that are hanging over fences, not actually reaching inside of anyone's garden, I promise) but about pinching out the growing tips of my plants. It is something I have rarely done in my gardening life but I got interested in it recently when I was running a workshop on plant propagation and found myself recommending this as a way of producing good-shaped plants for a stall I am involved in later in the year.

The idea is to make a more compact plant by pinching out the growing tips. This forces the plant to produce two new shoots at that point. Successive shoots can also be pinched back, so that the result is a much fuller, stockier plant instead of a gangly, lanky specimens (like so many of my plants are!). The science behind the idea of pinching in this way is that removing the shoot tip breaks its 'apical dominance' such that dormant side buds in leaf axils lower down the stem are stimulated into action.

It takes hardly a second to perform the action, but the results are very much worth it. No fancy equipment is needed - just your thumb and forefinger. Some plants that seem to benefit from this method are all sorts of Fuchsia types, zonal and scented Pelargonium, Dahlia, many Acanthaceae plants such as Justicia species, Odontonema and Ruellia species and many Salvia. Annual flowers such as pansies, petunias etc will also grow into much more compact shapes if tip-pruned in their early stages, as will annual herbs such as basil. Soft-stemmed foliage plants such as coleus, Iresine and Alternanthera will also have an improved form if pinched back. The best time of year is during periods of active growth in spring. The technique should not be done as the plant approaches its flowering time, but with judicious pinching having been done, the plant should have a lot more flowers than if left to its own devices. Regular feeding during the time of pinching out will help encourage lots of new growth. Giving evergreen shrubs and hedges a light, overall trim at this time of year is really another form of tip pruning and will also promote denser form.

When pinch-pruning is repeatedly done to plants, it will produce much bushier growth. The technique is useful in creating a standard plant trained to a single stem with a nice rounded head - suitable plants can include Abutilon, Marguerite daisies, heliotrope or even coleus! Some gardeners extend this method employing wire frames and stakes to produce more exotic shapes - this is often done in Japan with florists' chrysanthemums and other plants to make huge spheres, pillars, fans, cones and even poodle-like forms!

Tip-pinching is such a simple idea yet it has the potential to make our garden plants look so much better! I'd love to know whether you have ever tried this method.

 Reader Comments

1/4  Georgia - 4107 (Zone:11A - Sub-tropical) Monday, 08 September 2014

I was advised to pinch out the tips of my growing hedge of Syzygium Resiliance and it has produced shapely plants with wide base in most cases. I do the rounds about monthly to check for new tips and pinch out the areas that are gaping to bring up new growth. Another useful gardener"s tip, thank you Deidre. Thanks, Georgia. I am determined to do the same as you! Deirdre

2/4  Deidre - 5172 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Monday, 08 September 2014

I have been pinching the tips out of plants for a long time now, but it took me quite some time to be comfortable doing it. It really does help to make a more compact bush and more flowers. I know what you mean about being a bit reluctant to do it as we sometimes wonder whether it will be a good thing. However, I am glad to hear that you have had such success and I am determined to do it more often in my garden. This time of year is ideal to start doing the rounds of the garden and pinching! Deirdre

3/4  Sharman - 6056 (Zone:10 - Mediteranean) Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Sedum"Autumn Joy" can be tip pruned at 6 to 8 inches to shorten the plant, but this will also delay flowering. I often then tip prune some of the plants later in the season to extend the flowering period further. Sharman. Thanks for that great tip, Sharman. Deirdre

4/4  Trudi - 4223 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 27 October 2014

I must pinch more!! I always forget. Thank you for the tip.

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