Plant Description

Anemone coronaria

Annual Anemone in my garden

The so-called florist;s anemone, this is a spring-flowering plant that grows from a tuber planted in autumn and is often treated as an annual - though some gardeners have success in digging up and storing the tubers in a dry spot over summer then replanting the following year. They grow about 25 cm high and poppy-like flowers in hues of red, blues, pinks, white and purples. The De Caen Group has single flowers and the St Brigid Group has double flowers.

They grow well in Sydney though are also frost tolerant. It is best to soak the tubers overnight before planting them into a well-prepared soil amended with compost in a sunny, well-drained position (though they can also tolerate very light shade). Plant the tuber with its fat end facing down, and space the tubers about 5 cm apart. Cover them with about 2 cm of soil. It is best to have them in by early May at the latest. Keep the tubers well watered as they start to grow and apply regular fertiliser. The tubers can be planted in pots - use an appropriate, good-quality potting mix. The flowers are excellent cut for vases.


Anemone coronaria
Suitable for Cut Flowers.
Flowers from August to October.
Plant Family: Ranunculaceae

Other Anemone
