"Good-looking leaves"

A stroll in the garden reveals many plants with attractive winter foliage.
Sunday, 16 July 2023     

Lamium maculatum leaves look great in winter; here two cultivars are intermingled by chance

Having accepted that my ploy of trying to cheering up my winter garden by plunging 'potted colour' into some of the many gaps is rather sad and pathetic, this week I wandered in my garden to find plants whose foliage is at its very best in July! We may think of winter as a time when plants are leafless or their foliage scruffy (especially semi-tropical types) - but while that is true of a number of specimens, there are others whose leaves look wonderfully lush and fresh right now. I have written previous blogs about the value of evergreen native and exotic shrubs in winter, and the warming glow of golden-leaved shrubs and perennials at this time of year, so today I went searching for other sources of good-looking winter foliage, amongst perennials, groundcovers, annuals and even vegetables!

The first thing I noticed was how the leaves of spring-flowering bulbs are so attractive at this time - tall, straight and healthy. Some, like the snowflakes (Leucojum) and jonquils, are already showing their blooms amongst the lush foliage, but others - such as Babiana, Watsonia, bluebells and Freesia - make an impact purely by their fresh, fan-like clumps of leaves. Yes, we know the foliage will be hideous when it dies down after flowering, but in July I enjoy anything so perky and so promising of pretty flowers to arrive before too long. Belladonna lilies, which flower in February, have gorgeous luxuriant leaves now, resembling a verdant fountain. In my garden, they are a welcome distraction from the ugly skeletons of Hydrangea bushes behind them. Again, this Belladonna foliage is vile when it dies down, but by then other perennials will have grown up around the bulbs and I push the untidy leaves amongst these to disguise their decline.

Another source of thriving foliage is that belonging to spring-flowering annuals. I don't grow many of them these days - only those that effortlessly self-seed from year to year - but the ones I found in my garden today all looked healthy and plush, and I noted the variety of leaf shapes and textures that annuals have: such as the sleek green plates of nasturtiums; the fine feathers of love-in-a-mist and Orlaya; the frilly rosettes of Viola tricolor; the soft 'mouse ears' of forget-me-not leaves; the sumptuous white-edged hearts of variegated honesty; and the furry, rounded leaves of Primula malacoides. Again, these plants give us hope of spring by their determined, active growth through winter, and in the meantime delight the eye with their flourishing leaves.

Other plants that caught my eye included some of the species Geranium that have survived in my garden. I have tried many of these over the years, but few proved truly suitable for the Sydney climate. Varieties of Geranium phaeum do well, and the dark-blotched leaves of cultivars such as 'Samobor' look fabulous at the moment. Geranium macrorrhizum is another good doer in Sydney and its neat, scalloped foliage looks particularly attractive at the moment. Interestingly, the foliage of their cousins the fancy-leaved Pelargonium cultivars, is also at its very best in winter.

Other perennials that stood out as I strolled around the garden today included Ajuga, whose leaves gleamed as if polished; the many succulents I grow in pots, including Kalanchoe species and cultivars, Crassula and Echeveria; rhizomatous Begonia; Lamium cultivars; and the dainty leaves of violets - which have the added bonus of their cute fragrant blooms right now.

Other perennial plants with interesting leaves that look attractive now include the miniature forms of Syngonium grown as a groundcover; the silvery-flecked Pilea cadierei, which forms a soft mound of leaves; its cousin Pilea peperomioides, the unusual 'Chinese money plant' with its quaint, rounded leaves; Philodendron 'Xanadu' (now know correctly as Thaumatophyllum xanadu) with its jagged foliage; Farfugium japonicum with its bold, glossy, 'tractor seat' leaves; and, of course, the many and varied bromeliads and ferns grown for their decorative foliage. All of these plants can be grown in shady spots.

Winter-growing herbs (such as coriander and parsley) are glowing with health right now, as are leafy vegetables such as kale, lettuce, perpetual spinach and rocket. My thriving snow peas are rapidly climbing their trellis and already sporting some baby pods. The sight of some of these edible plants definitely lifts the spirits as well as providing tasty additions to winter meals.

In a few weeks, winter will be on the wane - till then, I am enjoying what July does have to offer!

Blog originally posted 10 July 2011; updated 16 July 2023.

 Reader Comments

1/6  Robin - 2121 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 11 July 2011

Thanks, Deirdre. Timely and inspirational as always. I am in the midst of planting out dry shade with different foliage plants and I agree that the blend of interesting leaf colours and forms is an attractive alternative to flowering plants. Glad you enjoyed Italian gardens. Robin

Thanks, Robin. Your new area should look great with all those different leaves. I look forward to seeing it. Deirdre

2/6  Janice - 2069 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 11 July 2011

Thanks Deirdre, It is great to hear from a Sydney gardener, sharing your garden Janice 2069.

Thanks, Janice. Hope all going well in your garden. Deirdre

3/6  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Wednesday, 13 July 2011

am delighted by different leaves/foliage in the garden. Varied begonia rhizome leaves, canes and nasturtium leaves fascinate - love the way water accumulates in the centre - looks like quicksilver.

Thanks, Margaret. So many of the begonias have good leaves and all still look pretty good in winter. And I have always loved nasturtium leaves! Deirdre

4/6  Margaret - 2122 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 17 July 2023

Inspired about this blog, I had a quick around the garden, and found much to interest. Bulbs, with strong, healthy leaves, jonquils and snowflakes with flowers and a tiny daffodil with brilliant yellow blooms. A couple of my hydrangeas did not lose all their leaves, and to my surprise are looking green and sturdy. Many rhizome begonia leaves have brilliant colours, as well as the coleus plants. Looking around, it is amazing the colour to be found to brighten a dull day. You have a lot to admire in your garden, Margaret! Deirdre

5/6  Pamela - 2158 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 17 July 2023

I feel the same about July but am too busy to worry about it.the potted cyclamens, wallflowers, pansies and primulas give colour but I do love all the foliage plants you mentioned. With Iresine, golden Durantas, clipped Enonymous, Coprosma, variegated Brugs, Helichrysums and Lorapetalums there is permanent colour & texture to give life at this drab time.I love the new growth of the Watsonias and other bulbs too but am looking forward to the soft green growth of Spring, still so much to cut back! It's good to have all that permanent colour. But I agree there is something so special about the fresh, green growth of spring! Deirdre

6/6  Jane - 2094 (Zone:10 - Warm Temperate) Monday, 17 July 2023

One of my fabulous foliage plants at the moment is Farfugium japonicum, aka Ligularia, Tractor Seat Plant or Leopard Plant. Its big round leaves are covered in large yellow blotches. And joy! - the yellow daisy-like flowers seeded and I have potted up a whole new plant! It is such a great plant, isn't it! Deirdre

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