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Tropical colour   12Feb09
Before summer goes, I want to pay homage to two tropical favourites.
Butterfly bushes   07Feb10
I have two different sorts of 'butterfly bushes'.
The turf lily   14Feb10
Liriope is a tough little perennial in bloom now.
The subject of what to wear when gardening is an important one!
Bright whites   27Feb11
There are some brilliantly white flowers illuminating my garden at the moment.
The sweet scents of jasmine perfume summer gardens.
I have a passion for a plant family very suited to Sydney.
Garden surprises   26Feb12
Returning from a recent holiday, I found a few surprises in my garden.
Hydrangea blues   10Feb13
My Hydrangea plants are going to be pruned sooner rather than later this year.
Last week I revisited the fascinating nursery run by Kerry Mitchell at Kurrajong.
My sister's lovely garden provided inspiration for my blog.
Decluttering   02Feb14
Clutter can gather in a garden!
Time spent grooming the garden pays off.
Top summer colour   23Feb14
Many plants give summer colour in Sydney.
Tropical treats   01Feb15
February is our most tropical month in Sydney!
Objects can decorate the garden in a fun way!
Bright trumpet flowers light up my garden.
A garden of echoes   22Feb15
Colour echoes create cohesion in planting.
Returning home   07Feb16
The garden went wild in my absence.
Tough beauties   21Feb16
Meet an interesting plant family.
Dazzled by dahlias   28Feb16
Dahlias are adorning Sydney gardens now.
Colourful coleus   05Feb17
Coleus are decorative yet tough!
Dreaming of autumn   12Feb17
I am dreaming of what I can do in autumn!
Various forms of ginger are in my garden!
Begonia plants are perfect for Sydney.
Forgotten shrubs   04Feb18
Some stalwart shrubs for Sydney.
Flowers with eyes   25Feb18
Many flowers have 'eyes'!
Filling summer gaps   03Feb19
Potted colour comes to the rescue!
Close planting   17Feb19
Many plants seem to enjoy being planted close together.
Plant resilience   02Feb20
Plants can be tough!
Just add water   16Feb20
What rain can do!
Plant stars   07Feb21
These plants bloom for many months in my garden - and some are in flower all year!
Graceful grasses   14Feb21
There are some unusual flowers on my grasses now.
Befriend Begonias   21Feb21
Cane-stemmed Begonia cultivars are summer stars for foliage and flower power in Sydney gardens.
A trip back in time.
Summer glory bushes   06Feb22
These Tibouchina bring colour in summer.
A shady tapestry   13Feb22
These plants make a carpet in shade.
Golden foliage lights up the shade.
Surprising bulbs   27Feb22
Late summer and early autumn can hold some delightful surprises.
The colour orange   05Feb23
At the moment, orange flowers catch my eye.
Easy-going plants with a long flowering period, for shady spots
Deadheading can arouse mixed emotions!
Summer garden blues   26Feb23
Blue flowers appeal at the moment.
These 'oriental' plants are in bloom now.
Trees!   11Feb24
Trees are vital in gardens.
Late summer spires   18Feb24
These blooming spires decorate the garden now.
Grooming the garden   25Feb24
Prepare your garden for a renewed lease of life in early autumn.